Welcome to Vidhi’s culinary journey where flavor meets sustainability – the Plant-Based Cashew Cheese and Tofu Sandwich (काजू चीज़ और टोफू सैंडविच). In this blog post, we unveil not just a delightful recipe but a nutritious masterpiece that goes beyond the ordinary which is vegan and dairy-free. Our star players? Plant-based cashew cheese and tofu, harmonizing to create a sandwich that satisfies both the taste buds and nutritional needs.
Nutritional Riches Unveiled
Explore the nutritional treasure of plant-based cashew cheese—packed with Vitamin B, Calcium, Protein, and Fiber. This flavorful, nutrient-dense choice breaks free from traditional dairy limitations, offering a symphony of vitamins and minerals for a holistic diet.
Tofu’s Tale
Discover the origins of tofu, condensed soy milk pressed into versatile blocks. A nutrient powerhouse, tofu is a high-protein wonder with all essential amino acids, adding versatility and health benefits to our culinary stage.
Heart-Healthy Harmony
Say goodbye to saturated fats with plant-based cashew cheese, a heart-healthy alternative. This recipe proves that health-conscious choices can be enticing and nutritious, ensuring every bite is a celebration of both flavor and well-being. Welcome to a brief but enriching culinary adventure!
Crafting the Culinary Symphony
Ingredients for 2 Complete Sandwiches
- Cashew (काजू) – 60g
- Tofu (सोया पनीर) – 50g
- Bread Slices – 4
- Coriander Powder (धानिया पाउडर) – 1 Tbsp
- Mango Powder (आमचूर पाउडर) – 1 Tbsp
- Roasted Cumin Powder (भुना जीरा पाउडर) – 1 Tbsp
- Black Pepper (काली मिर्च) – 1/2 Tsp
- Salt (नमक) – 1 Tsp
- Turmeric (हल्दी) – A pinch
- Red Spice (लाल मिर्च) – A dash
- Ginger Garlic Paste (अदरक-लहसुन पेस्ट) – 1/2 Tbsp
- Cooking Vegetable Oil (वनस्पति तेल) – 3 Tbsp

- Masala Preparation: Combine coriander powder, cumin powder, and mango powder in a small bowl. Add a dash of red chilli and salt to taste. Thoroughly mix and set aside.
- Cashew Paste: Grind 50g of cashews into a fine paste after soaking them in water overnight or for at least 4 hours. Mix in a pinch of salt and set aside for 2 hours.
- Tofu Marination: Cut 60g of tofu into small cubes. In a bowl, coat the tofu cubes evenly with the prepared masala mixture. Add a pinch of Turmeric and Salt to taste. Add 1 tsp of vegetable oil and mix well. Allow the marinated tofu to rest for 2 hours.
- Tofu Saute: Heat 1 tbsp of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Sauté ginger-garlic paste briefly. Add the marinated tofu cubes and sauté lightly. Sprinkle a pinch of the prepared masala towards the end.
- Sandwich Assembly: Take two slices of sandwich bread, spread cashew cheese on the inner sides, sprinkle black pepper, place marinated tofu cubes on one slice, and fold the other over to create a sandwich.
- Sandwich Grill: Drizzle a light amount of vegetable oil in a grill pan. Grill the sandwich from both sides until golden brown.
- मसाला तैयारी: एक छोटे कटोरे में धनिया पाउडर, जीरा पाउडर और अमचूर पाउडर मिलाएं। स्वादानुसार थोड़ा सा लाल मिर्च और नमक डालें। अच्छी तरह मिलाएं और एक तरफ रख दें।
- काजू पेस्ट: 50 ग्राम काजू को रात भर या कम से कम 4 घंटे तक पानी में भिगोकर बारीक पीस लें। इसमें एक चुटकी नमक मिलाएं और 2 घंटे के लिए अलग रख दें।
- टोफू मैरिनेशन: 60 ग्राम टोफू को छोटे क्यूब्स में काट लें। एक कटोरे में, टोफू क्यूब्स को तैयार मसाला मिश्रण के साथ समान रूप से कोट करें। स्वादानुसार एक चुटकी हल्दी और नमक डालें। 1 चम्मच वनस्पति तेल डालें और अच्छी तरह मिलाएँ। मैरीनेट किए हुए टोफू को 2 घंटे के लिए ऐसे ही छोड़ दें।
- टोफू हल्का तलना: एक फ्राइंग पैन में 1 बड़ा चम्मच वनस्पति तेल गरम करें। अदरक-लहसुन पेस्ट को हल्का सा भून लीजिए. मैरीनेट किए हुए टोफू क्यूब्स डालें और हल्का सा भून लें। अंत में एक चुटकी तैयार मसाला छिड़कें।
- सैंडविच असेंबली: सैंडविच ब्रेड के दो स्लाइस लें, अंदर की तरफ काजू चीज़ फैलाएं, काली मिर्च छिड़कें, एक स्लाइस पर मैरीनेट किए हुए टोफू क्यूब्स रखें और सैंडविच बनाने के लिए दूसरे को मोड़ें।
- सैंडविच ग्रिल: एक ग्रिल पैन में हल्की मात्रा में वनस्पति तेल छिड़कें। सैंडविच को दोनों तरफ से सुनहरा भूरा होने तक ग्रिल करें।

A Symphony of Flavor, Health, and Conscious Living
Savor the Symphony of Flavor and Health with the Nutrient-Rich Cashew Cheese Sandwich with Tofu filling. It’s more than a recipe; it’s a celebration of mindful eating, proving that delicious meals can be nourishing too. Extend a warm welcome to VIDHI, a holistic lifestyle initiative by Karbonik21. In a world where conscious choices matter, VIDHI is your trusted companion on the journey to a healthier, more sustainable way of living.
At VIDHI by Karbonik21, we believe in the power of small changes. Our mission is to embrace a mindful approach to what we consume and how we live, empowering you to make choices that align with your values and health aspirations. Whether you’re ready for a full commitment to veganism or seeking gradual shifts, VIDHI supports your journey.
Join us in celebrating a lifestyle that nourishes both you and the planet – a journey with VIDHI and Karbonik21 towards a brighter, more conscious future through our delivery partners Zomato & Swiggy and Ecommerce partners Amazon & Flipkart.